Filing Bankruptcy in Collin County, Texas

Bankruptcy CourtBankruptcy cases filed in Collin County are filed in the Eastern District of Texas.  There were 6,423 bankruptcy cases filed in the Eastern District of Texas in 2012.  Of these filings 3,274 were Chapter 13 cases and 3,060 were Chapter 7 cases.  Nonbusiness filings included 5,969 bankruptcy filings compared with 454 business bankruptcy filings.  Bankruptcy filings dropped 6.3% from 2011 to 2012 in the Eastern District of Texas.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases filed in the Eastern District of Texas are administered by Janna Countryman, a Chapter 13 Trustee with an office located at the northeast corner of US-75 and George Bush.  341 meeting of creditors in Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases take place at Ms. Countryman’s office.

As of the date of this article, Chapter 7 341 meetings are held on Fridays at the Southfork Hotel, which is located on the east side of US-75 north of 15th Street.  There are several Chapter 7 Trustees that administer these cases.  Debtors filing bankruptcy cases in the Eastern District of Texas would be wise to find a Plano bankruptcy attorney to assist them in filing.  Each district has its own set of local rules which can affect how the case proceeds.  Additionally, case law in a specific district can greatly affect the outcome of a bankruptcy case.  It is important to hire an attorney who is familiar with bankruptcy in the district in which the case is filed.

The bankruptcy courtroom is located on the 3rd floor of the Wells Fargo building, located at the southeast corner of Plano Parkway and US-75.  Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases usually do not require a hearing in the bankruptcy court.  Chapter 13 cases routinely require hearings in court, but in most cases these are attended by the debtor’s attorney, and do not require an appearance by the debtor.  Chief Judge Brenda Rhoades presides over the courtroom in this location.
